Prof. Dr. Detlef Dürr
(March 4, 1951 – January 3, 2021)
i'd literally fallen in love with his "lied vom meer" (song of the sea) on hearing it for the very first time at a concert by peter finger in the mid-70s. i'd been thinking about recording it since i'd acquired my first little 4-track recording unit in the early 80s. instead it took "some more years" until 2015 to actually materialize after peter had paved the way to my first contact with detlef in 2014. in amazingly short time this developed into a real friendship, for which i'm grateful beyond words. detlef liked my recording - maybe you like it too . . .
farewell, detlef! with this song and my precious memories you will stay with me for the rest of my life. you were such a nice person and a truly fine chap, and i miss you more than i can say. this is my humble tribute to you.
Martin Schreiber