Book Reviews
Title: The Book of Why
Subtitle: The New Science of Cause and Effect
Authors: Judea Pearl and Dana Mackenzie
Publisher: Basic Books
Book Review: Boston Review
Reviewer: Tim Maudlin
Title: Philosophy of Physics
Subtitle: Quantum Theory
Author: Tim Maudlin
Publisher: Princeton University Press
Book Review: International Journal of Quantum Foundations
Reviewer: Travis Norsen
Title: Philosophy of Physics
Subtitle: Space and Time
Author: Tim Maudlin
Publisher: Princeton University Press
Book Review: Physics Today
Reviewer: Robert Wald
Title: Bohmian Mechanics
Subtitle: The Physics and Mathematics of Quantum Theory
Authors: Detlef Dürr & Stefan Teufel
Publisher: Springer
Book Review: Metascience
Reviewer: Jean Bricmont
Title: The Wave Function
Subtitle: Essays on the Metaphysics of Quantum Mechanics
Author: Alyssa Ney & David Albert
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Book Review: The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science
Reviewer: Craig Callender
Title: Making Sense of Quantum Mechanics
Author: Jean Bricmont
Publisher: Springer
Book Review: Journal of Statistical Physics
Reviewer: Michael Kiessling
Title: What Makes Time Special?
Author: Craig Callender
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Book Review 1: The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science
Reviewer: Steven F. Savitt
Book Review 2: Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews
Reviewer: Yuri Balashov
Book Review 3: Metascience
Reviewer: Joshua Mozersky
Title: A Minimalist Ontology of the Natural World
Authors: Michael Esfeld & Dirk-André Deckert
Publisher: Routledge
Book Symposium: Metascience
Reviewer 1: Anna Marmodoro
Reviewer 2: Alastair Wilson
Reviewer 3: George Darby
Reviewer 4: Adam Caulton
Followed by a response of the authors
Title: Foundations of Quantum Mechanics
Subtitle: An Exploration of the Physical Meaning of Quantum Theory
Author: Travis Norsen
Publisher: Springer
Book Review 1: Physics Today
Reviewer: Jean Bricmont
Book Review 2: American Journal of Physics (to appear)
Reviewer: Tim Maudlin
Book Review 3: FQXI website
Reviewer: Ian Durham
Title: Quantum Computing since Democritus
Author: Scott Aaronson
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Book Review: Common Knowledge
Reviewer: Reviel Netz
Title: Quantum Theory as an Emergent Phenomenon
Author: Stephen Adler
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Book Review 1: SIAM
Reviewer: Angelo Bassi
Book Review 2: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics
Reviewer: Philip Pearle
Title: What Is Real?
Subtitle: The Unfinished Quest for the Meaning of the Quantum Physics
Author: Adam Becker
Publisher: Basic Books
Title: How Physics Makes Us Free
Author: Jenann Ismael
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Book Review: Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews
Reviewer: Carl Hoefer
Title: The Ashtray
Subtitle: Or the Man Who Denied Reality
Author: Errol Morris
Publisher: University of Chicago Press
Book Review: Boston Review
Reviewer: Tim Maudlin
Title: Spooky Action at a Distance
Subtitle: The Phenomenon That Reimagines Space and Time—and What It Means for Black Holes, the Big Bang, and Theories of Everything
Author: George Musser
Publisher: Scientific American
Book Review 1: The New Yorker
Reviewer: Adam Gopnik
Book Review 2: The New York Review of Books
Reviewer: Jim Holt
Book Review 3: The Wall Street Journal
Reviewer: John Gribbin
Title: The Order of Time
Author: Carlo Rovelli
Publisher: Penguin UK
Book Review: The Irish Times
Reviewer: John Banville
Title: Quantum Ontology
Subtitle: A Guide to the Metaphysics of Quantum Mechanics
Author: Peter J. Lewis
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Book Review: Inference Reviews
Reviewer: Tim Maudlin
Title: The Emergent Multiverse
Subtitle: Quantum Theory according to the Everett Interpretation
Author: David Wallace
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Book Review: Noûs
Reviewer: Tim Maudlin
Title: The Stability of Matter in Quantum Mechanics
Authors: Elliott H. Lieb & Robert Seiringer
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Book Review: Journal of Statistical Physics
Reviewer: Michael Kiessling
Title: A Universe From Nothing
Subtitle: Why There Is Something Rather Than Nothing
Author: Lawrence Krauss
Publisher: Free Press
Book Review: The New York Times
Reviewer: David Albert
Title: Quantum Causality
Author: Peter J. Riggs
Publisher: Springer
Book Review: Metascience
Reviewer: Ward Struyve
Title: Quantum Nonlocality and Reality
Subtitle: 50 Years of Bell's Theorem
Editors: Mary Bell & Shan Gao
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Book Review: Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews
Reviewer: Ward Struyve
Title: Gauging What's Real
Subtitle: The Conceptual Foundations of Gauge Theories
Author: Richard Healey
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Book Review: Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews
Reviewer: Ward Struyve
Title: Science, Order, and Creativity
Subtitle: A Dramatic New Look at the Creative Roots of Science and Life
Authors: David Bohm & David Peat
Publisher: Routledge
Reviewer: Detlef Dürr
Title: Everywhere and Everywhen
Subtitle: Adventures in Physics and Philosophy
Author: Nick Huggett
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Book Review: Metascience
Reviewer: Christian Wüthrich
Title: From Current Algebra to Quantum Chromodynamics
Subtitle: A Case for Structural Realism
Author: Tian Yu Cao
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Book Review: HOPOS–The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science
Reviewer: Christian Wüthrich
Title: Metaphysics and Science
Editors: Stephen Mumford & Matthew Tugby
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Book Review: The Philosophical Review
Reviewer: Christian Wüthrich
Title: Our Mathematical Universe
Subtitle: My Quest for the Ultimate Nature of Reality
Author: Max Tegmark
Publisher: Penguin Books
Reviewer: Scott Aaronson
Title: A New Kind of Science
Author: Stephen Wolfram
Publisher: Wolfram Research
Book Review: Quantum Information & Computation
Reviewer: Scott Aaronson
Title: Quantum [Un]speakables
Subtitle: From Bell to Quantum Information
Editors: Reinhold Bertlmann & Anton Zeilinger
Publisher: Springer
Book Review: American Scientist
Reviewer: Nino Zanghì & Roderich Tumulka
Title: Time, Chance, and Reduction
Subtitle: Philosophical Aspects of Statistical Mechanics
Editors: Gerhard Ernst & Andreas Hüttemann
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Book Review: Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews
Reviewer: David Albert